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Numeracy is an integral part of everyday life. It helps us make informed decisions about planning a holiday, where to shop, decorating, deciding on a mortgage, taking / issuing medicine, reading a timetable and much more. Importantly it helps us make the most of opportunities in life.

At Nunthorpe Academy we are passionate about embedding numeracy skills and supporting our students to feel confident with working with numbers. Weekly numeracy activities are completed during tutor time. This year these activities are focused on: Solving time problems, percentages, measures of central tendency and lateral thinking.

During the week of World Maths Day the maths department will run a number of activities during break times that week from ‘Higher to Lower’, estimating the number of items in the jar and ‘Countdown’.

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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…