Modern Foreign Languages
The Languages Faculty has six specialist language teachers. Our aim is to give a feeling of enjoyment and success using a variety of languages. We have 4 teaching rooms and a set of 20 laptops which are available to all students.
The two languages studied in Year 7 and 8 are French and German. Some students in Year 9 will also have the opportunity to take up Spanish, alongside their other language. We aim to introduce students to other ways of life within Europe and across the world and to develop imaginative as well as creative talents through drama, cross-curricular projects and song. In Year 10 students can currently opt for French, German and Spanish languages to GCSE.
In the Sixth Form A level courses are available in French, Spanish and German and are popular options, not only for future students of languages in Higher Education but, increasingly, for those wanting a language to enhance their career prospects in other fields.
Modern Foreign Languages Department
Mr David Cerisier
Modern Foreign Languages Teacher
01642310561 EXT: 1033
Mrs Kathryn Cochrane
Modern Foreign Languages Teacher
01642310561 EXT: 1055
Mrs Anna Graham
Modern Foreign Languages Teacher
01642310561 EXT: 1055
Mr Adam Rose
Modern Foreign Languages Teacher
01642310561 EXT: 1055
Mr Euan Wilson
Modern Foreign Languages Teacher
01642310561 EXT: 1055
Year 6 Transition
Y6 students will start their studies in either French or German with a series of lessons developing their knowledge of the target language countries and cultures.
Key stage 3
We offer two languages in Years 7, 8 and 9, with some students in Year 9 being able to study Spanish as well and aim to challenge students and prepare them for GCSE courses with assessments that develop the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). In Year 7, 8 and 9 students receive 2 lessons of Modern Foreign languages a week.
The Learning Journey



Key stage 4
Modern Foreign Languages are an optional subject at Key Stage 4 but we anticipate that students aiming to enter Higher education will choose to study a language at GCSE level. We currently offer German, French and Spanish at Key Stage 4. Students continue to develop grammar from KS3 in the French and German GCSE. Students taking up Spanish in Year 9, start from scratch and quickly access the language needed to complete the GCSE course. The main themes of the Modern Foreign Languages course are Identity and Culture; Local, National and Global Areas of Interests; and Current and Future Study and Employment. Each skill (listening, speaking, reading and writing) is worth 25%.
The Learning Journey



Key stage 5
Key stage 5 students follow the AQA A-level course. Examples of AS Topics are, Changing Families, Contemporary Music and Cinema, Festivals and Traditions. Students will also study a film or a book in the first year of A-level. Examples of A2 studies are Politics, Young People in Society, Views on Crime and Punishments, as well as an Independent Research Project which is chosen by the student. Additionally, students study a book in the target language.
The Learning Journey

