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Policies & Procedures

16 – 19 Bursary Policy - TrustDownload
Academy Closure Policy - TrustDownload
Acceptable Use Policy - TrustDownload
Accessibility Policy - TrustDownload
Admission ZoneDownload
Admissions Policy 2021-22Download
Admissions Policy 2022-23Download
Admissions Policy 2023-24Download
Admissions Policy 2024-25Download
Admissions Policy 2025-26Download
Alternative EducationDownload
Behaviour Policy - TrustDownload
Care and ControlDownload
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)Download
Charging and Remission Policy - TrustDownload
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy - TrustDownload
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (Student Friendly Version) - TrustDownload
Children Looked After and Previously Looked After Children (CLA/PLAC) Policy - TrustDownload
Code of Conduct for NMAT Governing Boards - TrustDownload
Collective Worship PolicyDownload
Complaints Policy - TrustDownload
Complaints Policy – Appendix A- Stage 2 Complaint – Word Document - TrustDownload
Complaints Policy – Appendix B- Stage 3 Complaint – Word Document - TrustDownload
Complaints Policy – Appendix C- Stage 4 Complaint – Word Document - TrustDownload
Control and RestraintDownload
Covid-19 Outbreak Management Plan - TrustDownload
Cycling, Motor Cycling, and Motor VehicleDownload
Cycling, Motor Cycling, and Motor Vehicle - Application FormDownload
Data Archive Policy - TrustDownload
Data Protection Impact Assessment Policy - TrustDownload
Data Protection Policy - TrustDownload
Data Protection SAR Policy - TrustDownload
Equality Policy - TrustDownload
Estranged Families Policy - TrustDownload
Exam BookletDownload
External CommunicationDownload
Filtering and MonitoringDownload
First AidDownload
Freedom of InformationDownload
Gifts & Hospitality Policy - TrustDownload
Governance Expenses Policy - TrustDownload
Health and Safety Policy - TrustDownload
Home LearningDownload
Information Policy - TrustDownload
Journeys / Visits and Insurance Policy - TrustDownload
Learner AgreementDownload
Learner Agreement - Post 16Download
Lettings Policy - TrustDownload
Medical Conditions and Medicines ManagementDownload
Mobile Phone Policy - TrustDownload
Near Miss Policy - TrustDownload
Non Disclosure Agreement – FOI - TrustDownload
Parent Partnership PolicyDownload
Pregnant Students and Young Parents Policy - TrustDownload
Premises Policy - TrustDownload
Prevent Risk AssessmentDownload
Privacy Notice – Admissions - TrustDownload
Privacy Notice – Job Applicants - TrustDownload
Privacy Notice – Parents - TrustDownload
Privacy Notice – Staff - TrustDownload
Privacy Notice – Students - TrustDownload
Provider AccessDownload
PSHE CitizenshipDownload
Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Statement - TrustDownload
Pupil Premium Strategy 3 Year Plan - TrustDownload
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - March 2024Download
Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Policy - TrustDownload
Remote Learning Policy - TrustDownload
Risk Assessment Policy - TrustDownload
Risk Management Strategy - TrustDownload
Security Policy - TrustDownload
SEND Policy - TrustDownload
Smoke Free Policy - TrustDownload
SMSC - Spiritual, Moral, Social, and CulturalDownload
Special Education NeedsDownload
Staff Recruitment and Selection Policy - TrustDownload
Student Acceptable User PolicyDownload
Surveillance Policy - TrustDownload
Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Policy - TrustDownload
Tendering and Procurement Policy - TrustDownload
Uniform and Equipment PolicyDownload
Visitor Behaviour Policy - TrustDownload
Whistleblowing Policy - TrustDownload


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Academy Photographs Years 7-11

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Examination Results Days - August 2024

A Level & AS Level - Thursday 15 August 2024 A Level & AS Levels results can be collected from the Sixth Form between the hours…

Pop Up Uniform Shops

JOIN US to GET UNIFORMD! Transition Students Transition week starts on Monday, an exciting time for our new students. If you are joining us…

Preloved Uniform

MANY THANKS to our generous parents past and present who are keeping us stocked with regular donations for our #preloved community 'Uniformd' shop. Almost…

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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…