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Welcome to Nunthorpe Open Evening

Mrs Julie Thomas

Interim Assistant Vice Principal – Behaviour & Attitudes 11-16

Tel: 01642310561 EXT: 1024


Thank you for visiting our Welcome to Nunthorpe page, please click the items below to find out further information about what we can offer your child.

Message from Head of School – Mrs Kate Kell
Message from Assistant Vice Principal for Inclusion – Miss Siobhan Brosnan
Message from Year 7 Progress Leader – Mrs Julie Thomas

Good evening and a very warm welcome to all of our potential students and their families. It is a great pleasure to welcome you all to Nunthorpe Academy and that this event has returned after the turbulent year we have all had. My name is Julie Thomas and my role at the academy is Y7 progress leader and primary transition led. It will be my face you will see coming into your primary schools and it will be me in the first instance that parents will all be communicating with.

Our mission here, is ready, respect, safe which Mrs Kell our Head of School will explain more about shortly. This ethos is the driving force to pursue high academic standards and how we create and insist upon for our students to achieve the best of their ability. We hope that our students have a desire and passion to be the best they can possible be for themselves and their families.

First and foremost, here at Nunthorpe Academy we focus on the individual student and their learning. We are proud to be an environment in which everyone feels happy, valued and safe because we know that a happy learner is a successful learner. I hope this evening gives you the opportunity to see what each department within the academy can offer and also the pastoral care that your child will receive if they chose to attend here.

I know many of you will be visiting other schools, some with swanky new buildings, loads of technology and plenty of glass fronted staircases. However that is something that we do not have, fortunately the building may be the academy building but it doesn’t make us who we are! It is the people who are within it! It’s not the quality of the building that makes us, it’s the quality of our education, the opportunities we give our students and the community we have built.  This evening is about asking those questions, finding out as much information you can so you can make an informed decision of where to continue your child’s education.

The greatest asset here is the students. Our students are the back-bone of our academy and their voice plays an important part in shaping our direction of travel. Our students are amazing and I have had five volunteers that would like to speak to you this evening and tell you about their experiences here.

Thank you to these students, they have been here for 3 weeks and they are already passionate about our academy.

Parent Information Pack
Uniform Expectations

At Nunthorpe Academy, our uniform is essential part of our identity. It ensures students are ready, respectful and safe.


Students should wear plain white shirt/blouses with a collar and which can be tucked into trousers/skirts. Short sleeve shirts are acceptable.


Trousers should be plain grey, tailor effect and are acceptable for boys and girls.


Skirts should be plain grey and fall just above the knee. They should be made of appropriate material. We don’t not accept short, stretchy, lycra-based skirts or skirts with splits.


Shoes must be plain black without any coloured buckles or stitching. The must be a shoe, we do not accept any sports-brands, trainers, heeled or boots.


Top buttons on shirts should be fastened at all times and students must wear the ties that is linked to their house/year group. Triumph (Blue), Invincible (Red), Endeavour (Green), Valiant (Orange) and Victory (Yellow).

If you are unsure whether what you plan to but is acceptable then please check the school website for our Uniform and Equipment policy or email the transition lead Mrs Julie Thomas –

Restrictions due to Covid-19 (Risk Assessment)

You can view the latest copy of our Risk Assessment on the academy website here: NMAT Trust Risk Assessment.


You can view the latest OFSTED Report on the academy website here: OFSTED Reports.

Parent Tips for Transition – Supporting the Transition to Secondary School


Transition to secondary school is a major milestone for children. Due to Covid-19, school may be more restricted in what they can offer to support transition, which might add to the anxiety children and parents may already be feeling.

Make time to talk

This is a big change and your child might have lots of different feelings about moving school. They might be excited but also have worries about what secondary school will be like. They may feel a sense of loss and worry about missing their old school, teachers and friends. Speak to your child, give them the opportunity to talk about their feelings and ask questions.

Saying goodbye

Create a memory book with your child to help them capture all the things they have enjoyed about primary school. Think about how to celebrate the ending. Find out what your child’s primary school are doing to say goodbye the Year 6 students.

Independence Skills

Before and during the holidays practise skills such as:

  • Travelling to and from school – this will help to know what time they need to set off on a morning;
  • Using money;
  • Making a packed lunch;
  • Packing their school pack.

New School Environment

Visit the school website, find out about the curriculum and the pastoral structure. Watch the virtual tour, how does the school day look. Find out what extra-curricular activities are available.

Connecting with new staff

Look at the pictures or welcome videos from the staff so some faces will be familiar in September. Key people, Head of school, Pastoral Managers and Y7 progress leader. Think about what information staff may need to know about your child.

Further Resources

Message from students – What do our students think about Nunthorpe?

A. Mousavi – Year 11

I’ve had an eventful experience at Nunthorpe but it’s definitely been a positive one. It may not be the fanciest, newest school but if there’s one thing I know the special relationships you will make with other students and teachers here is what makes the school shine.

 I believe Nunthorpe was the best decision I could’ve made to give me the skills and attributes that I need for my future. It has such a healthy learning environment that makes me feel comfortable enough to express my individuality every single day.

The teachers here across every department from Spanish to drama to English to maths are so passionate and dedicated to what they do it inspires me every day. Even through the difficult conditions of the ongoing pandemic they still gave me an interactive vital education even if that meant turning up to zoom calls in a dressing gown with a cuppa.

Nunthorpe also has a great range of opportunities for you to find your passion. I personally found mine with the school musical which can fortunately happen this year. Now it’s your turn to find yours.

It may be overwhelming and you may feel a wave of emotions like I did when I first arrived but make sure to cherish every second of it because I’m sure your parents always remind you about how secondary were the best years of their life and you roll your eyes but before you know it nearly five years has flown by and you don’t want to leave so make it count For my GCSE’s.

I personally chose Spanish, German, Drama and History as my optional subjects as well as the important compulsory subjects of Maths Science and English. Furthermore, my aspirations for this academic year are to try my hardest in my GCSE’s to award me the most amount of options that I could possibly take in my next stage of education. However currently I’m set on going to the outstanding sixth form next door as I wouldn’t want to leave the great connections I have built with my teachers.

At the end of the day always enjoy and cherish your experience, take as many opportunities as you can and embrace your uniqueness and stand out from the crowd that’s what Nunthorpe has allowed me to do.

 Thank You

L. O’Malley – Year 11

Good evening everyone and welcome to Nunthorpe Academy’s Y6 opening evening. I would like to tell you about my experience at Nunthorpe Academy.

When I was in Year 7 I didn’t feel confident talking to people so I kept to myself at break time and lunch time but this didn’t bother me, I enjoyed my own company. One memory I have from Year 7 is that every break time and lunch time Mrs Kell would always have a chat with me asking about how I was doing in school and how my lessons were going. This made me feel like I always had someone to talk to in school and that they cared.

Now I am in Year 11 I feel like I am much more confident and able to talk to people and I am now willing to share my thoughts within class to both members of staff and my peers. If someone had asked my 3 years ago to stand in front a crowd of 200 people and speak I would have frozen so it is with the support of the staff at Nunthorpe I am now able to do this.

Throughout my experience at the academy I have found that I want a career in nursing. The academy have support me with my options choices in Y9 and now with my post 16 options.

One thing I can tell you is that in the school every student and every teacher is kind and helpful in their own way. In this school I have had the best years of my life. I hope that you chose to send your child to Nunthorpe as this will be the best chose you could make.

I hope you have all been made welcome, please use your visit to find out as much as you can about our fantastic school.

Thank you

E. Holmes – Year 7

I can see a couple of nervous faces and that’s okay to be honest I was nervous on my first day, but I have learnt that the teachers will respect you if you respect them back. Even though we missed out on transition and our welcome to Nunthorpe evening I feel we have been supported and helped from the start. I have only been at the Academy for 3 weeks and I already feel part of the Nunthorpe family.

Nunthorpe has hundreds of kind, caring hearts, so if you feel down speak up because they are here for you. All students have lots of support from your form tutor, classroom teachers and your pastoral managers, you can ask anyone for help.

Yes this school is way bigger than your primary school but I have always felt safe, welcome and happy to come here every morning.

I can assure you that your child will definitely have a great time here at Nunthorpe Academy!

Thank you!

L. Connors – Year 7

Before I joined Nunthorpe I was very nervous but also excited. Once I stared, I instantly made lots of new friends and felt happy.

I had lots of fun in my new lessons because all the teachers where very welcoming, helpful and I think that with their help I will grow and be the best I can truly be at Nunthorpe academy. It has been great experiencing different lessons from food technology, drama and languages.

We are already gained opportunities to get involved in events outside of the curriculum from drama rehearsals, to a charity event called the colour run or attending extracurricular activities. There are loads of extra opportunities to get involved in here and I can’t wait to get started.

I feel that with the support of the teachers and my new friends I think that my education will expand and I will become the best I can be. If you choose to come here I would like you to know that everyone here will welcome you with loving and caring hearts. My parents and I chose Nunthorpe because I knew that this would be a positive choice and as parents in front of me I hope you will also make the positive decision and chose Nunthorpe.

Thank you

E. Gray-Jack – Year 7

It is scary when I first started at Nunthorpe as it was something new and I didn’t know what to expect. But when you are here for a couple of days you get used to it. We have had lots of support to find our way round; as well as make sure us feel comfortable, safe and welcomed.

You make friends fast. I started Nunthorpe not knowing anyone as I was the only one from my primary school. But within my first day I made new friends and had people to talk to at break time and lunch time.

The teachers are really nice, it is a good school. The teachers are strict but that is because they want the best from us. We are taught to treat the teachers and students how you would like to be treated ourselves.

Nunthorpe is an amazing school, I feel like my parents have made the best choice and send me here and I hope your parents do the same.

Mrs Thomas and Mr Gent are my favourite teachers, they are the teacher in charge of transition and my form tutor.

Don’t miss out on all the fun here at Nunthorpe and I will hopefully see some of you again in September 2022.

Thank you

What Curriculum is available for my child?

You can view all of the subjects that we offer at the academy here along with all of the Curriculum Plans: Curriculum | Nunthorpe Academy.

What Extra Curricular Activities have been available?

You can view the images of some of our extra curricular activities in our Photo Galleries here: Photo Galleries | Nunthorpe Academy.

Mrs Julie Thomas

Interim Assistant Vice Principal – Behaviour & Attitudes 11-16

Tel: 01642310561 EXT: 1024



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