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For the attention of parents / carers of our new Y7 students

We hope you have all had a lovely summer and we can’t wait to welcome you all into the academy tomorrow. 

The Academy day will start at 8:30am and the school gates will open from 8:20am. Students will need to head to the tutor room that they were allocated during transition, as period 1 is an extended tutorial. During this time students will receive their timetables and a 4 digit code to purchase their lunch, for this week only. 

All information required to set up and create a Parent Pay account has been sent directly to the email account registered on your admissions form. If you have not received this email / letter – please can you contact the main reception via telephone and request to be put through to the finance department. 

A polite note in regards to equipment, all students require a full pencil case with a pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, sharpener, calculator and green pen. A reading book in also required and a planner will be issued by their form tutor during period 1. 

We are aware of current issues in regards to uniform and PE kit with our new suppliers. If you are yet to receive some items, please provide your son / daughter with a note that is signed and dated by a parent / carer.

School News

For the attention of parents / carers of our new Y7 students

We hope you have all had a lovely summer and we can't wait to welcome you all into the academy tomorrow.  The Academy day…

Examination Results Days - August 2024

A Level & AS Level - Thursday 15 August 2024 A Level & AS Levels results can be collected from the Sixth Form between the hours…

Pop Up Uniform Shops

JOIN US to GET UNIFORMD! Transition Students Transition week starts on Monday, an exciting time for our new students. If you are joining us…


Sixth Form Enrolment Day - Thursday 22nd August 2024

Nunthorpe Academy Sixth Form Enrolment Day is here!

Please click here to enrol!

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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…