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Nunthorpe Academy awarded ‘Gold’ SMSC Quality Mark Award!

SMSC, Diversity and the ‘Fundamental British Values’ of the Rule of Law, Democracy, Tolerance, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect are what underpins every aspect of academy life here at Nunthorpe. It is through a promotion of such values, ideals and concepts that we truly believe that students are prepared for their lives through and beyond the walls of the academy, as everything is not just about what is learnt in a classroom; but through experiences that build the wider character of a student.

As a result of our investment within this key, fundamental aspect of our working relationship between staff and students alike, it gives us great pleasure in announcing our recent success through the Young Citizens, SMSC Quality Mark Award of which the academy’s hard work, enthusiasm, dedication and talent has meant that we have been awarded ‘Gold’ the highest rank that an academy or educational provider may hope to receive from such a rigorous awarding process. Upon our last attempt at verification for the award, the academy received the ‘Silver’ award for the work that goes into the aspects of education and academy life, mentioned above. Four years and a global pandemic later, we received the final verification visit comprising of a mixture of staff and student interviews a tour of the site and some insightful questions posed. Our students were exemplary and were keen to sing the praises of the academy. When asked to summarise Nunthorpe in one word, responses ranged from community to diverse, friendly and caring.

Our award has not been achieved by the works of one person, but the whole academy and our ability to value and promote the whole of holistic education, rather than the purely academic. We hope that you will share in the success of this award for many years to come.

You can learn more about SMSC at Nunthorpe Academy here.

Mr Luke Yale
Head of Drama & SMSC Lead

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