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Nunthorpe Academy KS5 Examination Results – Summer 2022

Once again our students should be proud of the wonderful set of Post-16 results they have achieved this year despite the disruption to their last 3 years of study, and not having the opportunity to sit any formal final year 11 exams in 2020. The majority of student’s grades reflect those predicted by their subject teachers and are a reflection of the hard work and dedication students and staff have invested over the last 2 years.

Our Year 13 students achieved an overall pass rate of 99%, of which;

  • 22% – A*- A
  • 41% – A*- B

Student performance in Level 3 vocational subjects was again exceptional with a 100% pass rate and 79% at Distinction or Distinction*. Caitlin Hart achieving a tremendous triple distinction* guaranteeing her place to study Child Nursing at Leeds.

There were some fantastic individual subject results too with Biology, Physical Education, Art, Drama, English Literature, Spanish, History and Health & Social Care performing particularly well.

This tremendous record is further enhanced by the spectacular individual achievements of so many of our Sixth Form students; 41% of whom achieved 3 or more A*- B grades. With students in 10 out of 21 subjects achieving an acclaimed A*.

An outstanding achievement was performed by Lucy Acheson and Thomas Kellerman who secured well deserved A*’s in all four subjects taken, guaranteeing their chosen future next steps in History at Oxford and Mathematics at Durham. Matthew Thwaites, Robyn Cunningham, Manoj Munipalle and Chloe Allport have achieved A*/A in all entries, resulting in placements at Medicine at Oxford, Geography at Durham, and gap years prior to their next steps.

These results, which are the culmination of extremely hard work and dedication from our students and staff, represent a continuation of our Outstanding Sixth Form provision.

The significant majority of our students will be moving on to their first choice universities and degree apprenticeships in September providing them with their well-earned next stage of their academic journey.

All of the staff and Governors at Nunthorpe Academy and NMAT Trustees wish them well in the next stage of their education and futures and wish them every success.

Kate Kell
Head of School

The photo gallery for A Level Results Day 2022 can be found here: A Level Results Day (2022).

This could be you! Applications are still open to our amazing Sixth Form! Apply here!

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