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Nunthorpe Academy’s local food bank campaign!

A massive thank you and well done to every single person who contributed to the appeal for the CAUSE Christmas hamper campaign. Our 3 hampers (each consisting of 5 large shopping bags packed full to the brim) were delivered on time and will make an enormous difference to the festive season for three vulnerable local families. In addition, Middlesbrough Food Bank were absolutely delighted to receive 38 large bags of leftover food and toiletries last Monday, which will go a long way to helping them to ensure their clients cope with the Christmas season. Last but not least, the leftover toys and gifts were delivered to Remembering Rebecca, another fantastic local charity which is in the process of putting together emergency hampers for children in our area who otherwise would be at risk of receiving nothing this Christmas.

You are absolutely amazing – every student, parent / carer or staff member who contributed to this appeal should be incredibly proud of what we have achieved by working together. School Council will be working on similar donation appeals throughout next year – starting with a campaign to collect toiletries in the New Year, so please hang on to those gift sets you receive but have no use for! More details to follow in January, but in the meantime, School Council would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

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